Based on an almost true story
solo show
Tha House, Madrid
25.10.2024 - 05.11.2024
Based on an Almost True Story, the artist Romain Blanck presents a fascinating connection between canvas works and everyday objects that find new illumination in the context of art. His paintings featuring window views that are visible to passersby on the street are not just visual representations but also reflections on human life.
The works are complemented by refrigerators adorned with magnets, stickers, and postcards. For the artist, they represent one of the places where memories are captured in everyday life, even though the function of the object itself is entirely different. The refrigerators are thus more than mere functional carriers; they serve as a surface for intimate memories and daily rituals.
The magnets that decorate these refrigerators—sometimes purchased, sometimes souvenirs, varying in shape, color, and motif—embody the small, often unconscious stories we connect with our environment. They show, just like postcards, photos, stickers, and invitations, how we navigate our daily lives and how our actions leave conscious and unconscious traces. (...)
text : Felicitas Kastner
solo show
Tha House, Madrid
25.10.2024 - 05.11.2024
Based on an Almost True Story, the artist Romain Blanck presents a fascinating connection between canvas works and everyday objects that find new illumination in the context of art. His paintings featuring window views that are visible to passersby on the street are not just visual representations but also reflections on human life.
The works are complemented by refrigerators adorned with magnets, stickers, and postcards. For the artist, they represent one of the places where memories are captured in everyday life, even though the function of the object itself is entirely different. The refrigerators are thus more than mere functional carriers; they serve as a surface for intimate memories and daily rituals.
The magnets that decorate these refrigerators—sometimes purchased, sometimes souvenirs, varying in shape, color, and motif—embody the small, often unconscious stories we connect with our environment. They show, just like postcards, photos, stickers, and invitations, how we navigate our daily lives and how our actions leave conscious and unconscious traces. (...)
text : Felicitas Kastner

How to save drafts
solo show
Emerge Project space, Pescara
26.05.2024 - 30.06.2024
(...) We can experience a sense of general alienation more if we pay attention to the vertical structures that exist scattered throughout the exhibition spaces. This is the result of a site-specific operation designed during the week of residency, it isthe affirmation of how that effect of visual redundancy generates mental short circuits. Seeking a clear separation between real and non-real becomesa truly arduous undertaking. The inscriptions on the installation as well as the painted stickers are both popular manifestations brought here to staytogether in a situation that exists at the limit of the collective and the individual action. Once again, all of us are called to observe in the complex situation of understanding a sensation of deja-vu with blurred contours. (...)
text : Maurizio Vicere
photos : Pierluigi Fabrizio
photos : Pierluigi Fabrizio
Faux raccord
solo show
Wecollect, Madrid
07.09.2023 - 21.10.2023
(...) A door opening the wrong way, an actor disappearing, a towel changing color, nothing escapes the sharp eyes of Michel and Michel, the duo who spot blunders and editing errors. The title of the exhibition “Faux raccord” shares its namesake from a mini web-series from 2010 broadcast on Allociné. With humour and sarcasm, this series shows us the continuity errors and anachronisms in various movies.
The two voiceovers characters share the same first name, which they play with by constantly repeating it in everyepisode. For this exhibition Romain Blanck’s paintings all share the same photoshop file as their source, consisting of scans from various found test papers where strangers have tried out markers and pencils. This source file was the starting point for each painting, where the same shapes and lines have been duplicated, replaced by similar ones, covered by filters, and turned around from one painting to another, creating an ensemble of false twins.(...)

Bien à vous
Hotel Pasteur, Rennes
23.02.2023 - 02.03.2023
(...) En exécutant des protocoles préalablement définis de manière répétée, il développe des techniques qui imitent le comportement mécanique et docile des machines typographiques, comme s’il devenait lui-même un automate ou une imprimante, capable de reproduction de grande qualité. Et bien qu’il soit seul à exécuter toutes les phases de production, l’artiste disparaît derrière ses réappropriations. Il simule des gestes vivaces et nerveux tout en jouant avec un vocabulaire des plus standardisés, tandis qu’il désaffecte ses œuvres de ses émotions. Les feuilles de tests qu’il réemploie sont, à première vue, dépourvues de tout contenu sémantique et de tout engagement affectif. Elles contiennent de l’information anonyme qui compose une sorte d’écriture, bousculant le principe même d’originalité, que la création académique érige en valeur suprême. Nous sommes tenté·es de voir un lien entre l’effacement de la subjectivité de l’artiste et le brouillage des identités que les réseaux sociaux favorisent. (...)
text : Lila Torquéo
Hotel Pasteur, Rennes
23.02.2023 - 02.03.2023
(...) En exécutant des protocoles préalablement définis de manière répétée, il développe des techniques qui imitent le comportement mécanique et docile des machines typographiques, comme s’il devenait lui-même un automate ou une imprimante, capable de reproduction de grande qualité. Et bien qu’il soit seul à exécuter toutes les phases de production, l’artiste disparaît derrière ses réappropriations. Il simule des gestes vivaces et nerveux tout en jouant avec un vocabulaire des plus standardisés, tandis qu’il désaffecte ses œuvres de ses émotions. Les feuilles de tests qu’il réemploie sont, à première vue, dépourvues de tout contenu sémantique et de tout engagement affectif. Elles contiennent de l’information anonyme qui compose une sorte d’écriture, bousculant le principe même d’originalité, que la création académique érige en valeur suprême. Nous sommes tenté·es de voir un lien entre l’effacement de la subjectivité de l’artiste et le brouillage des identités que les réseaux sociaux favorisent. (...)
text : Lila Torquéo

Do not enter with metallic balloons
duo show
AAAA Nordhavn, Copenhague
23.09.2022 - 28.10.2022
duo show
AAAA Nordhavn, Copenhague
23.09.2022 - 28.10.2022

Oh! Hey! Hi! Hello!
solo show
Rio&Menaka, Madrid
09.09.2021 - 18.10.2021
solo show
Rio&Menaka, Madrid
09.09.2021 - 18.10.2021